Leap of Faith

I’ve been told I need to write more. To practice forming narrative and crafting engaging stories. They say practice makes perfect and if I’m being honest, its been a long 10 years since I last wrote anything of real substance and the rust is really starting to show.

Only two paragraphs in and I find myself struggling. Very close to just scrapping this whole idea right off the bat. I’ve got somewhat of a trust issue and opening up here is seemingly a lot harder than I expected. Recently became aware that since my trust issues started, being accompanied with depression and GAD, I felt like I was almost completely cut off, not only from younger, creative self, but friends and family as well. Life was starting to feel very drab and grey and just felt like I was going through the same motions day-in, day out with no real progress towards anything.

I’ve had enough of being in this state of mind though. I have always heard it but I think it has finally set in that you can not wait for change, you have to be the change. So, this is that first step of making the change and putting myself back out there and getting the creativity flowing again.

I hope, by sharing my trials and tribulations, I can provide the tinder of inspiration needed to light the fires up in others and help provide the motivation need jump back into the crucible of life.

I know I’m at a point in my life where its time for a leap of faith. Time is finite and its our obligation to make the most of it.

Value your dreams and take that leap of faith.

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